Specify multiple regions in a file using the same syntax as -r Specify a region with in a chromosome using the syntax. Same as the samtools flags -x which removes read with a flag above 255 (not primary, failure and duplicate reads). Remove reads that have multiple best hits. Number of bases to remove from both ends of the read. Include only proper pairs (pairs of read with both mates mapped correctly).

1: include only proper (default), 0: use all reads. Only relevant for paired end data.Īdjust mapQ for excessive mismatches (as SAMtools), supply -ref. Perform BAQ computation, remember to cite the | BAQ paper for this.ġ:normal BAQ (same as default in SAMtools).Ģ:extended BAQ (same as default in SAMtools). If zero then it will use the existing record Not performing this check is not advisable You will need to supply your reference (-ref) for BAQ options.Įxits if the headers are not compatible for all files. Minimum number of sites to read in before starting to analyze - larger number will use more RAM 0.25 will on average keep 25% of the reads Randomly remove reads to downsample your data. Pileup files are the output files that are generated by SAMtools mpileup.

angsd -pileup sam.mpileup -nInd 10 -fai hg19.fa.gz.fai -domaf 1 -domajorminor 1 -gl 1īCF/VCF file as input is now included but with some limitations. Algodoo is endless fun for any age to create, play & learn physics! Become an inventor with Algodoo - Start designing and testing your ideas in seconds.Only chr,pos and PL tags are being used, and we discard indels. In a simulated “real” world you can build, play and make your inventions come alive. With simple drawing tools, objects like gears, motors, lasers, springs, ropes, and even water, you can test wacky ideas, build amazing machines and design cool games. Easily share your beautiful creations with friends and challenge them to use their own creative minds.
The simulation methods are based on cutting edge technology and also used by Algoryx in advanced engineering simulations, movie visual effects and virtual realitys simulators! In Algodoo they come in a irrestible format accessible for everyone.Īlgodoo comes with an abundance of tools for constructing, building and creating your designs. For even more editing you can make water, set collision layers, group objects, add mechanics, etc, to your different components.Edit and interact with your creations using tools like Scale, Rotate, Move, Cut and Drag.Make your inventions truly unique by adding physics like Springs, Axles, Thrusters, Lasers, Fixates and Tracers.Or draw your creations with basic tools like Circles, Boxes, Polygons, Planes, Gears, Ropes & Chains.Use the unique Sketch tool - an all-in-one tool with gestures for multi drawing and editing - that makes your workflow quick and easy. Set color for your background, water and your objects.The Algodoo world is colorful but you can easily change the look and feel in Algodoo. Save your colors as different palettes for future work. Experiment with different materials in Algodoo.You can also change the look of your artwork with pre-made palettes like X-ray, Optics, Sunset, and many others.

In seconds you can set density, friction and restitution for your objects.