To search on this database, click the magnifying glass icon (at right) and enter names and more. Here’s a link to all the related content… And, return to this spot as I build out the payrolls. Want more? Sign up for the “Watchdog” newsletter. SELECTED SERVICES : 1954 - PARISHES CITIES OF 1954 - PARISHES CITIES OF 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE Establishments, Receipts, and Payroll Establishments. Your feedback is anonymous and we will use it to improve the website. Emp Name Job Title Total Gross Regular Pay Overtime Pay MCCUSKER, RICHARD POLICE CAPTAIN 263,721.01 246,572.51 17,148.50 TAPPER, RICHARD POLICE SERGEANT 263,290.87 176,673.76 86,617.11 TOBIN, BRIAN POLICE LIEUTENANT 261,826.03 202,881.01 58,945.02 DECRISTOFARO, RICHARDSUPERINTENDENT 256,630.23 256,630.23 0.00 DOUGAN, JOHN POLICE CAPTAIN 248,314. Quincy Revere Salem Somerville Springfield Taunton Waltham Watertown Town Westfield. These pages provides quick and easy online access to Employee Salary & Benefits, Labor Agreements and the City Personnel Handbook. Send all feedback and tips to All data obtained via the state Public Records Law or federal Freedom of Information Act. 1 City Hall Square Room 612 Boston, MA 02201-2017. Welcome to the City of Quincys Payroll Information Center. It’s a totally new format built to streamline the Herald’s “Your Tax Dollars at Work” public payroll report. All rights reserved.The Massachusetts payroll for 2019 - and more databases - are available to search below. “Every dollar restored for workers represents justice for those wrongly denied their rightful wages by a business operator who shortchanged them.”Ĭopyright 2022 WGEM. “Wage violations in the restaurant industry are far too common, and often hurt the very vulnerable workers, many of whom do not know their rights under federal wage laws,” said Wage and Hour District Director James Yochim in St. Maintain accurate time and payroll records.Comply with the FLSA at all current and future locations operated by the company and/or Cobain in Illinois and Missouri.Display a copy of the consent order and judgment for a period of at least 180 days. Employee,Job Title,Total Gross,Regular Pay,Overtime Pay CORLISS, THOMAS,POLICE LIEUTENANT,234,391,147,478,86,913 LEUCHTE, JOHN,POLICE OFFICER 3,173,725,92,091.Display a poster of the Fair Labor Standards Act requirements in both English and Spanish.Provide the last-known contact information for employees’ owned wages.Pay a civil money penalty of $12,500 within 180 days.Immediately pay $15,000 in back wages and $15,000 in liquidated damages within 120 days.The order requires Maya Restaurant and Cobain to do the following:

Myerscough issued a consent order and judgment to resolve the litigation. College or AreaCOLLEGE- AGRICUL / NAT RES / Totals by DepartmentAG-HILLSBOROUGH CC-PLANT CITY.